How to Use Dnsrecon in Kali Linux [Fill Guide]


Dnsrecon is an open-source tool designed for DNS management, information gathering, and enumeration. It is aimed at helping security testers and system administrators discover and assess the security and configuration of target domain names. You can follow this instruction to learn how to use Dnsrecon easily.

What is Dnsrecon?

  1. Subdomain Enumeration: Dnsrecon queries DNS servers to discover a list of subdomains for a target domain name, helping to determine the attack surface and network configuration.
  2. Host Record Query: Supports querying various DNS records for a target domain name, such as A records, MX records, TXT records, etc., to gather detailed information about the target system.
  3. Zone Transfer (AXFR) Query: Dnsrecon allows performing DNS zone transfer queries (AXFR) to obtain a list of all records within a DNS zone. This is useful for gaining insight into the overall architecture and configuration of the target domain.
  4. Dictionary Attack: Supports using custom dictionary files for subdomain brute-forcing, aiding in discovering hidden or undisclosed domains.
  5. DNS Server Enumeration: Capable of identifying DNS servers within the target network, including public and internal DNS servers.
  6. Result Output: Supports outputting query results in multiple formats such as text, JSON, etc., for further analysis and report generation.

How to Use Dnsrecon: Step-by-Step

1. Install Dnsrecon

First, ensure that Python and pip tools are installed on your system. Then, install dnsrecon via pip:

2. Basic Usage of Dnsrecon

Run the dnsrecon command to view all available options and help information:

3. Detailed Usage of Dnsrecon

3.1 Querying Subdomains of a Domain Name

This will query the subdomains of and display them in the results.

3.2 Querying Host Records of a Domain Name

By using the -t axfr option, you can perform a zone transfer query to retrieve the host records of

3.3 Specifying a Specific DNS Server

Use the -n option to specify using the Google Public DNS server ( for the query.

Additional Options and Features of Dnsrecon

In addition to the above examples, dnsrecon supports many other options and features such as dictionary attacks -D, recursive queries -r, JSON output -j, etc. You can adjust commands and options as needed to perform more complex DNS queries and enumeration tasks.

Notes for How to Use Dnsrecon

  • When using dnsrecon for network security assessments and penetration testing, ensure operations are conducted within authorized boundaries.
  • Avoid testing unauthorized systems and networks to comply with legal and ethical standards.


Follow these steps and examples to begin installing and using dnsrecon for DNS-related queries and enumeration tasks, helping assess and protect the security of target networks.

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