Analyzing Google DNS Ping Response Truncation with Wireshark

Introduction to Google DNS Ping Response Truncation

Google DNS Ping response truncation occurs when Google DNS reduces the length of the Ping response data packet, leading to different outcomes across systems. While the Windows system may display a successful Ping, Wireshark’s packet capture often shows no response because the Echo reply data length doesn’t match the Echo request length, in line with RFC 792 guidelines. This discrepancy can complicate network troubleshooting, making it essential to understand the impact of Ping response truncation and accurately analyze network issues using packet capture tools.

163 Examples

First, go to http://www.163.comFor example, Windows defaults to Ping, and the data length is 32.

The Windows Ping data length is 1472, and the packet capture results show that the total length is 1514, ETH 14 + IP 20 + ICMP 1480 (8+1472) = 1514, which just meets the MTU 1500 .

The byte length of Windows Ping is 1473. Because it exceeds the maximum MTU, IP fragmentation occurs, but the Ping result is still normal.

We can see that the ping request consists of 3 packets, which are fragmented into 6 packets. Similarly, the reply consists of 3 packets, which are also fragmented into 6 packets.

Analyzing Google DNS Ping Response Truncation

Google Example

Google DNS, Windows default Ping, data length 32.

Google DNS, Windows Ping data length 68 and 69. Note the difference, Ping 69 will be displayed as Bytes=68 (69 sent) on the system , and the result is still a successful Ping.

The actual packet capture result of Wireshark is as follows

The Windows Ping data length is 69, and the ICMP Request packet length is still 111 (14+20+8+69), but Google DNS will truncate the Ping ICMP Reply data length to 68 , making the entire packet length 110. Because the following two points are defined RFC 792in :Echo or Echo Reply Message

The data received in the echo message must be returned in the echo reply message. The identifier and sequence number may be used by the echo sender to aid in matching the replies with the echo requests.

Because the Echo reply data length 68 is inconsistent with the Echo request data length 69, Wireshark will follow RFC and display no response found!the information. However, the judgment logic of the Windows system (macOS system is similar) will be that the id and seq num are the same, and the length of some data matches, so it is considered to be a corresponding group echo request 和 echo reply, so it will be displayed as Ping success and a friendly prompt will be given 字节=68 (已发送 69).

Continuing with Google DNS, Windows Ping data lengths are 1472 and 1473.

The actual packet capture result of Wireshark is as follows

Although they are both no response found!, Ping 1472 and 1473 have completely different meanings. As analyzed above, 1472 is because the Echo reply length is truncated, but the system still shows that the Ping is successful, while 1473 is because the maximum MTU is exceeded, resulting in IP fragmentation. Due to various reasons of Google security protection, the relevant messages are blocked, so no Echo reply message is returned, so it is a real Ping failure.

Summary of Google DNS Ping Truncation Issues

Various strange Ping results, taking into account different clients, servers, Ping programs, packet capture tools, etc., need to be analyzed in detail based on the actual environment.

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